Fragrances I’m Loving Throughout Quarantine

A little-known fact about me is that I’m a very olfactory person. In simpler terms, I have a strong sense of smell, and consider that as my most powerful sense. I’m near-sighted and have to wear glasses so I can…

Fragrances I’m Loving Throughout Quarantine

A little-known fact about me is that I’m a very olfactory person. In simpler terms, I have a strong sense of smell, and consider that as my most powerful sense. I’m near-sighted and have to wear glasses so I can…

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She has many titles, a passion for life, and a heart of gold. The founder of the wildly successful Clarendon Moms and Angelica in the City, Angelica Talan has made it her mission in life to help others while making lifelong connections.

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My Quarantine Capsule Wardrobe

Even when you’re isolating at home, you can still look stylish! I’ve had my fair share of days in T-shirts and sweatpants lately, but I’ve dressed as I “normally” would most of the time. Though I’m not a fashion-only blogger…

New Natural Beauty Products I’m Loving During Quarantine

Self-care has always been something I value, and I’m doing my best to keep it in my regular routine. Tensions are high and we’re all experiencing stress, so there’s no better reason to calm down and have some good, old-fashioned…

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